How To Setup Your Divice
Disconnect the Internet from your Magbox
Switch on the box , it will display " Page Loading Error "
Go to System Settings
Go to Servers
Go to Portals
Go to URL 1
Press KB button on remote to bring the keyboard on screen
Type the address ( this will be given when you subscribe )
Once ready , press again the KB button to remove the keyboard on screen
Press OK to save
To go back to main menu press the button with a " House Symbol "
Restart Portal
You are done
Download VLC Player , click on Media , click on Open Network Streams - enter the link given
To update the m3u link : Copy the link in a web browser , hit enter . Save the file . Open the link with vlc player. Now your m3u list is updated and ready to use . You should update when necessary ( every 3 days )
If you never used IPTV go to , click activation and activate your TV . To upload the playlist go to " My List " , enter your Mac Tv address and upload the playlist . Make sure that first you download the Smart Tv App from your TV
Download an Apk called " ONIPTV " from the link below .
Download an Apk called " IPTV Core " from the link below or from Play store
As a player install VLC player or BS Player from The play store . MX Player no work fine on all android divices so ts not recomanded.
Log in with username/password that we provided to you or found in m3u link
Example : M3u Link = " &password=XttBGeRJK&type=m3u_plus&output=ts " - So username is Joeborg while password is XttBGeRJK . Username can also be your email address
Note : ( the letter 'l' can be i or L ) try both before you contact us saying user/pass is incorrect
NOTE : If ONIPTV APP does not work well or there is some issues on your device , kindly use a different app that supports m3u - these are 3rd party apps and we don't control them
Click Here :
Download " IP Television " app or any other that accepts m3u link from your Divice app store.
Normal script will be given for clients to install via putty - This will be one long list , no epg is included
Download a software called ' PUTTY ' ( Link here : )
Open Putty - write down your IP address ( you can find it from your enigma box network settings , choose Telnet and press Open
Usually User is Root and password is blank ( this is not always the case )
Then copy our link and press enter . Reboot device
Check Video Tutorial :
IMPORTANT : If you do not know exactly how to install the link on enigma boxes , do not buy . We wont give instructions, WE DO NOT GIVE REFOUND IF YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO INSTALL IT
Download :
To install :
Download - from this thread
Open KODI navigate to System–>Settings–>Add-ons
Choose Install from zip file >External Storage >Download > & look for downloaded zip Name ""
You are done
How to configure Addon for Kodi:
Find Xtream-Codes IPTV "ONIPTV " from VIDEOS–>Add-ons
Right click on addon and choose, Add-on setting
We can give you Username and Password after you paid the subscribtion
Use only our addon ( user and pass as login ) . Do NOT change the m3u link